Wow. I learn so much reading your Substack. I realize this sounds like a usual lah-de-dah FB (which I don’t use) or Igram (which I do sparingly) like but honestly it’s a great lesson for a photo enthusiast looking for new ways to practice. I have many neighborhood shots from near daily walks with a camera during the COVID shut-in which I’ve always thought of as a “project” but only posted them to give colleagues in China a look at a part of the US they were unlikely to see anywhere else. This post guves me lots of ideas for thinking about what more I could do with them and the zillion photos I’ve taken in my literal backyard for practice. I’m very happy you junp started some wheels turning as I have been feeling a little stale. And as akways I find your photos to be inspiring.

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Would love to see what you come up with. More thoughts on editorial process coming.

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Thank you. Happy to share if I can jump start myself to produce something shareable. An "assignment" like this may help.

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That was a beautiful essay.

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Glad you enjoyed it.

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Love the preset concept. Will definitely use this.

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Picking ONE look and rolling with that certainly simplifies decisions when working on projects and influences work in the field at the same time. Same thing I did when shooting film rather than constantly "experimenting" with new films, developers, contrast, etc... There's a place for "experimental work" in terms of look/treatment, etc but not when the focus is creating aa cohesive body of work related to a project.

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Well done and well said. I always appreciate your insightful views on what you might have convinced yourself is ordinary but has always struck me as purposeful and incredibly artistic!

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Ps. I like to restrain the context to things I've already introduced, easier to follow that way.

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More thoughts on that coming. This one small, contrived project two years ago has generated much fruit.

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