Straightforward simple wonderful advice. I’ve been struggling to refresh a multi year volunteer photo project with a very different subject (music students performing at a university). Although I know certain lens-aperture combinations will do a reasonable job I’d really like to give them more and me too because I started this as a ready “photo opp” invited by the music department chair when I was looking for a subject to improve my practice since what I liked most to take pictures of wasn’t readily available. I’ll start giving your suggestions a try soon! (and sorry for the lingush run on sentence; it reflects my enthusiasm).

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GOOD LUCK... Let us know how it works out.

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Thanks. And glad to fill you in.

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“longish” though “gush” may have slipped in Freudianishly it was actually my thick finger’s doing and sloppy editing after)

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That happens ;-)

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A wide angle lens like an 18mm is quite a specialist tool - and takes a long time to fully understand. I find great value in limiting the tools I have on hand. Thanks for the post

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I'm not a photographer, but i DO LOVE to take pictures with my phone. A few weeks ago, i was taking photos of trees in our villa-garden to mark the arrival of spring there. For the first time, i tried to change the zoom, adjusting my distance from the subject of photo, and so on. I even realized that when i switch to the main camera (my main camera is 48 megapixels, my second camera 12), i can't zoom at all.

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We're thinking about a fine art printing workshop specifically for "iPhone/smartphone" photographers in a way that's a simple enough for non-experts to enjoy the medium.

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It's a great idea.

But unfortunately, i can neither attend your workshop in-person nor online (because the internet speed in Iran is much lower than other countries, and there are days when it has a lot of disconnections😔😭).

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Sounds like a great idea.

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