I bought a 4x5 large format camera and film to help me slow down and be more thoughtful about each photo I take. Digital makes it too easy to just shoot a bunch and hope you lke one of them. With film, one must consider a lot of different components of the composition before hitting the shutter.
I bought a 4x5 large format camera and film to help me slow down and be more thoughtful about each photo I take. Digital makes it too easy to just shoot a bunch and hope you lke one of them. With film, one must consider a lot of different components of the composition before hitting the shutter.
I bought a 4x5 large format camera and film to help me slow down and be more thoughtful about each photo I take. Digital makes it too easy to just shoot a bunch and hope you lke one of them. With film, one must consider a lot of different components of the composition before hitting the shutter.