I know it’s April 1st but this is the first chance I’ve had to construct a brief wrap-up for March. I just wanted to update the community on upcoming events in our area, current workshop openings, and get a feel for a few things related to last month’s newsletter themes.
One opening left for Advanced Awagami Printing & Display
We’ve got one opening left for the Advanced Awagami Printing & Display workshop on Saturday and Sunday, June 8th, 2024. You can find out more information and register at the link above.
Our workshops are strictly limited to four participants to provide true one-on-one attention for each participant.
This workshop focuses on:
Image selection to optimize the properties of Awagami Unryu Primio and Awagami Bizan
Production of two large final prints.
Creative mounting to highlight the beautiful properties of these premium papers.
Mounting your prints to produce two final art pieces ready for presentation.
Sign up soon as we work with each participant before the workshop to get the most out of it and ensure that each person walks away with two final mounted works of art.
The Awagami workshop was exceptional. It provided practical information emphasizing the need for creativity rather than paint-by-numbers instructions. The workshop helped me understand the characteristics of the wide range, the differences among the papers, and useful suggestions as to what types of images will work best, and – equally important – which won’t. I went into the workshop doubtful whether Awagami washi papers would provide results worth the effort. I emerged convinced. &mdash Bill Iverson
2024 Odyssey of Light
The Maryland Photography Alliance is hosting a two-day webinar in April (Saturday 4/13 and Sunday 4/14 from 8:30AM to 12:30PM each day). There are four great speakers this year.
Sara Leen, The first female director of photography at National Geographic Magazine.
Deborah Sandidge, Nikon Ambassador, author, and travel photographer.
Carol Guzy, Four-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer.
Joel Grimes Canon Explorer of Light, Photographer, and Teacher.
You can get more information and register at the Maryland Photography Alliance site.
Shooting Film Etc.
Having read comments, questions, and emails prompted by March’s newsletters focused on getting back to basics I am curious as to how many of our community still shoot film at least occasionally… I do but far less than I did a few years ago and have ceased using color film mostly due to the insane cost increases. Just about every film is over $10/roll now.
I've completely stopped shooting digital. Nothing against it, I just don't have the time.
I am a documentary photographer and I shoot b&w film because it captures the "grit" of my subject matter. I do shoot color DSLR video occasionally because the nature of the subject requires capturing motion. I maintain a home darkroom to process my film and make enlargements.