Outside of the Canon papers, only have tried a Canson sample pack & have a sample pack from Red River. Probably try Moab & Hanemulle (probably spelled incorrectly) next. For the most part, I like the Canson papers better than most of th RR papers I have tried. Definitely more Dmax on th Canson than the Canon papers. Although I just picked up a box of The Canon Premium Fine Art Smooth. Impressed with the weight & feel. Printed is a little closer to that of the Canson Aquarelle type of papers without the heavy texture. I know, off topic but felt like replying.

Thanks, Tom

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Thanks for the input Thomas. If you like the baryta semigloss type of papers for your work I think you'd be happy with either the Prestige II 340 or the Juniper. Our next write up will be for the Hahnemule Fine Art Baryta, stay tuned.

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Thanks. I’ll look into trying some Moab papers next.

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