In a recent post, I described the thinking that went into Bob and I deciding to elevate displaying my artwork in the office of our studio. Lots of people in the course of a year come through our office and we were frankly a bit tired of having the same triptych hanging there for near a decade.
We wanted a place where we could rotate the exhibition of my work on a regular basis and show our clients some of the creative options available to them. We wanted a wall that would not distract from the artwork, yet served to elevate the presentation.
As I mentioned in that previous post, I was fortunate to see an amazing new material that's now available worldwide, made by a German company that has a patented way to slice natural stone into the thinnest layer possible. They then cement that stone onto a receptive backing that can be affixed to a wall. The product is known as Slate-Lite and is available in various sizes for a wide range of decor and display options (we are not sponsored by Slate-Lite).